SOURCE:MicroEdge + Blackbaud
In this episode of the Champions for Social Good Podcast, Jamie Serino speaks with Dr. Chris Stout (@drchrisstout), Founding Director of Center for Global Initiatives. Chris shares how his purpose for helping others has evolved throughout his journey through graduate school, international travels and projects with the World Economic Forum, and how that led him to create his own global humanitarian organization. The process of launching a 501(c)3 is also discussed, and Chris offers some advice from his own experience including where to find helpful tools and resources. During the conversation, Chris emphasizes the importance of maintaining a network of strong connections, building cross-sector partnerships, being flexible and having a contextual understanding of the service regions. Throughout his story of founding the Center for Global Initiatives, Chris illuminates how his organization supports self-sustaining programs that advance healthcare in underserved communities by mentoring, collaborating with and educating aspiring humanitarians.
The Champions for Social Good podcast brings together thought leaders and practitioners in the social good movement to share learnings, educate and inspire change across the sector, and is hosted by Jamie Serino, Director of Marketing, MicroEdge + Blackbaud. For more information, please visit the MicroEdge + Blackbaud Resource Hub and
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KEYWORDS: Philanthropy, Health, Microedge + Blackbaud, humanitarian organizations, nonprofit