Xylem Watermark supported Planet Water Foundation and Project 24 which will bring clean water to thousands of people across five countries including Cambodia, Colombia, India, Indonesia, and the Philippines in 24 hours
SOURCE:Xylem Inc.
Xylem Watermark sponsored 6 projects as part of Planet Water Foundation’s Project 24, an ambitious undertaking on World Water Day, to build 24 clean water filtration systems (AquaTowers) in 24 communities across five countries; Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Philippines, and Colombia - in just 24 hours. These projects reached a total of 6,000 people including the 2,739 children who attend the participating schools. 27 Xylem volunteers assisted in the construction of the community-based water systems, which will bring clean water to the world's most disadvantaged communities.
Project 24: Run, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia
Located about 60 kilometers to the west of Siem Reap is Run Village, which is home to 110 families and has a total population of 521 community members. The village has a primary school, Hun Sen Run Primary, which enrolls 229 students and employs 7 teachers. This village faces economic and food security challenges as their livelihoods depend solely on rice planting, causing some villagers to migrate to Siem Reap to find work as laborers in the construction sector. Another challenge for the school and community is that there is no access to public services such as electricity and water supply, which has led the school children and community members to consume contaminated water from the nearby wells and ponds.
“I am extremely concerned over my class attendance because my students are often absent from class due to waterborne diseases. The learning progress of students will not improve if their health is not good.” - Mrs. Kay Phallin, Grade 4 Teacher
Now, as a result of the Project 24 Aqua tower, Run Village's families and students have access to clean drinking water.
See the complete article via planet-water.org
KEYWORDS: Environment, Clean Water and Sanitation, Xylem Inc., Planet Water Foundation, Project 24, Siem Reap, Run Village