Qualcomm Welcomes Participants from American Association of University Women’s Summer Camp TechTrek
Building on three years of successful hands-on STEM camps, this summer the Qualcomm® Thinkabit Lab™ continues to grow, with a total of 10 one-week-long camps in San Diego, the DC Metro Area and China. These programs are designed to introduce, inspire and encourage middle school students’ interest in STEM. Qcamp
The annual summer program from Qualcomm – Qcamp™ – began in 2014 with a collaboration between Qualcomm and the Institute of International Education (IIE) on the Women Enhancing Technology (WeTech) program. Qualcomm has been a lead partner in this initiative since its inception, and it is a part of the Company’s ongoing commitment to increasing and supporting girls and women in STEM. Qcamp is a free-of-charge, intensive summer camp that provides students from all cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds with hands-on learning and engineering activities in a part maker-space, part lab environment. For more on Qcamp, view the videos here.
KEYWORDS: Education, Qualcomm, Thinkabit Lab, QCamp, American Association of University Women, coding, engineering, UC Berkeley, Lawrence Hall of Science, TechTrek