SOURCE:Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
Love and support have a cumulative effect. Just ask the Ocasio family, who decided to adopt a group of six siblings they were fostering, and today have a total of 11 adopted children. Every donation is a new opportunity to find a forever family for a deserving child. Join our Circle of Support and sign up for monthly giving today. #ItsWorthIt
The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption is committed to dramatically increasing the number of adoptions from foster care. Our adoption recruiters use a child-focused recruitment model that is up to three times more effective in finding forever families for waiting children. We focus on children who are older, sibling groups or who have special needs. More than 20,000 children age out of care each year, we want that to be zero.
KEYWORDS: Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives, Dave Thomas, foster care, adoption, forever family, Wendy’s