The CancerConnect employee resource group unites employees who have a passion for supporting cancer patients and survivors. The Swiftwater group rallies around the following cancer-related causes in Northeast Pennsylvania with both financial contributions and employee engagement:
- Relay for Life with the American Cancer Society
- Race for the Cure with the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
- CASUAL (Colon Cancer Awareness Saves Unlimited Adult Lives) Day with the Northeast Regional Cancer Institute
- Shine a Light on Lung Cancer with the Lung Cancer Alliance and Lehigh Valley Hospital - Pocono
- Pink Light Walk, a breast cancer awareness initiative with East Stroudsburg University
In 2017 alone, this group’s members raised more than $8,500 toward these various initiatives, playing a pivotal role in moving the needle on local cancer awareness, prevention, research, and advocacy.
KEYWORDS: Social Impact & Volunteering, Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives, csr, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sanofi, Sanofi Pasteur, Poconos, American Cancer Society, Relay for Life, Race for the Cure, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Northeast Regional Cancer Institute, Cancer, East Stroudsburg University, NYSE:SNY