SOURCE:Keep America Beautiful
The folks at Keep Virginia Beautiful (KVB) had to admit it. They were a bit nervous prior to KVB's 2018 "Shiver in the River."
In late January, Virginia's James River was well above flood stage because of several weeks of rainy weather. But after 10-plus days of gorgeous weather, the James receded, and hundreds of volunteers flocked to Historic Tredegar for the 4th Annual Shiver in the River.
Now that the results have been tallied, more than 500 people gathered well over a ton of trash from in and around the James River. Slightly more than 200 hardy souls stripped down to their bathing suits, tutus, and more (or less!) for the James River Jump, helping to raise much-needed funds to keep Virginia beautiful!
Contact Info:
Mike Rosen
Keep America beautiful
+1 (203) 659-3008
Larry Kaufman
+1 (203) 659-3014
KEYWORDS: Keep America Beautiful, Keep Virginia Beautiful, Shiver in the River, volunteerism, James River, community cleanup