SOURCE:Keep America Beautiful
Keep America Beautiful affiliate Keep Prince William Beautiful, area businesses, and a civic organization recently partnered with the Prince William Area Agency on Aging to create a “Serenity Garden” in the circle in front of the Adult Day Healthcare Center in Woodbridge, Virginia.
The "Serenity Park" was created with freshly planted rose bushes, azaleas and a seven-foot Leyland cypress tree, all donated by the Lakeridge Nursery. The garden is designed to give families and other caregivers a place to take a break from the stress of caring for their loved ones, who are suffering from Alzheimer’s, dementia and other degenerative diseases.
Jason Parsons, executive director of the not-for-profit Keep Prince William Beautiful, said the project fits in with what the organization does.
Contact Info:
Mike Rosen
Keep America Beautiful
+1 (203) 659-3008
Larry Kaufman
Keep America Beautiful
+1 (203) 659-3014
KEYWORDS: Volunteerism & Community Engagement, Philanthropy, Keep America Beautiful, Keep Prince William Beautiful, Serenity Beautiful, Community Garden