SOURCE:America's Charities
By Adam Weinger, President of Double the Donation
Each year, companies and businesses support nonprofits by distributing hundreds of millions of dollars in matching gift donations.
For those who may need a refresher, matching gift programs are corporate philanthropy initiatives that reward employees’ charitable donations. After an employee makes a donation to an eligible nonprofit, they fill out a matching gift submission request and submit it to their company’s HR department.
If the donation and nonprofit meet the company’s guidelines, the company cuts a check to the nonprofit for the same amount as the employee’s donation (and sometimes even two, three, or four times that amount!).
Matching gift programs are a great way for companies to engage employees as well as branch out into philanthropic initiatives.
This article will cover seven awesome corporate matching gift programs that really work!
KEYWORDS: Business & Trade, Finance & Socially Responsible Investment, employer matching gifts programs, Double the Donation, employee giving, America's Charities, Employee Engagement, Fundraising, cause marketing, corporate philanthropy, workplace giving, social responsibility, csr